PGEtinker | The Docs
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What is PGEtinker

PGEtinker is an interactive online application which allows it’s users to write olc::PixelGameEngine applications inside a web browser, without the need to install and use a compiler/toolchain on your local machine.

What is it used for?

PGEtinker can be used for a many things. The primary purpose of PGEtinker is to make C++ programming more accessible to learners but it can be used by experienced programmers who want to quickly test an idea in code or perhaps during travel when you’re away from your development environment, PGEtinker has been tested on laptops, chromebooks, and even works well enough on mobile devices for those wanting to program on the go.

Whos’s responsible for this monstrosity?

PGEtinker is the brain child of Moros1138, but really this project would not have been possible without the efforts of Javidx9 (the creator of the olc::PixelGameEngine) and the OneLoneCoder community in general. Individuals who have made significant contributions are singled out and mentioned here.